Again, this is a copy of a mail that I had shooted to sept-2006intake yahoo groups. I am posting my Tuck interview experience as some of my friends wante d me to. I am a January round applicant ( currently waiting for the results ) and was interviewed by Ms.Kristine Laca. Here are the details:
My interview was scheduled at 2 PM Friday afternoon at Oberoi with Ms.Kristine Laca, Director of Admissions. I waited there at Oberoi for aroud half an hour and was surprised to see that she did not turn up! I was wondering if I had made a mistake in coming to a wrong place or had come in the wrong time. Finally, she came and I realised that the interview had been postponed to the next morning! I had not checked the email that had been sent the same morning! I offerred to come the next morning, but she accommodated interview the same day to avoid trouble for me! She asked me about my background, why mba and why tuck. I explained to her all these in detail. She had a few questions about my background and through these it turned out more of a converstaion. She wanted to find out how good were the Tuck Connections ( I had contacted a current student using this ). She mentioned how Indians from India brought differnet things to table from Indians from US. She told me of an event organised during diwali by the Indians out ther and the good fun they had there. Then she went on about what I do outside of work - I explained my hobbies etc.. Then she asked about how I would contribute to Tuck community. We had a good conversation about how things are in India - culture, tradition etc..
Then she asked if I had any questions. I asked her about three questions about Tuck alumni particularly in India, How does the incubator program at Tuck work? Are there any criteria? Can I join?
On the whole, I think it was a good interview. It was a great experience definitely and was nice to see her being so accommodative and considerate of other person's convenience.
Wat exactly does it mean when u say that she wanted to find out more abt Tuck connections? Did she mean that u gotta have networking with Tuck students and alumni? In that sense, does it really help if one has some kind of contacts in universities where he/she applies ..
One of our IIIT students (Paresh Jain) has his jeeja studying there in Tuck.. I've already exchanged mails with him.. Those are the kind of connections right /:)
COngrats for your admissions in to Michigan & ISB... Many more to go...
Thanks SivaKumar..
Great if you already know a current student/alumni. Admission committee members generally try go guage your interest in the school by verifying if you have done enough homework about the school by talking to students etc..
Tuck has a particular feature in its website called Tuck Connections, through which you can connect to a Tucky with similar interests. Ms.Kristine Laca, had pioneered this..
These contacts go beyond just mentioning to adcom members. You could try to understand the culture of the school, seek their help for resume/essays review or talk to them about your future plans ( even before you decide your career path ) and more than that develop a relation before going there itself!
So, take time to talk to people frmo univs - current students or alumni preferably current students because then you would have recent information.
Btw, can you mail his contact to me? I would like to talk to him.. Tuck is almost my dream school.. I fell in love with Tuck the moment I researched it...
are u moving to Tuck next season?Could u please provide me an Alumni reference?
Hi Nishkala,
I seek some help from you regarding my application to tuck.Please drop me a test mail at
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